REGISTRY REGISTRATION IS LIMITED Pre-registration is mandatory, tickets will NOT be sold at the festival. CONTACT PERSONS OPCION 1: COUPLE REGISTRATION Name and Surname (PERSON 1) Name and Surname (PERSON 2) OPCIÓN 2: INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION (You will remain on the waiting list until someone from the opposite role enrolls) (Due to the high demand for follower role registrations, at the moment it is only possible to register as a couple or individually in the leader role.) ROL LIDER Name and Surname OTHER CONTACT DATA E-mail (required) Telephone (required) City (required) Country (required) PACKS PACK MILONGAS: 85€= 7 milongas. MILONGAS (Available until 11/09/22) 20/09/24 FRIDAY AFTERNOON: 15€ 20/09/24 FRIDAY EVENING: 20€ 21/09/24 SATURDAY MATINE MILONGA: 10€ 21/09/24 SATURDAY AFTERNOON: 15€ 21/09/24 SATURDAY EVENING: 25€ 22/09/24 SUNDAY MATINE MILONGA: 10€ 22/09/24 SUNDAY AFTERNOON: 15€ NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR    I understand the registration instructions and I accept the cancellation policy (required) I accept the Privacy PolicyYou can consult it here ATTENTION: REVIEW YOUR SPAM MAIL FOLDER, PERHAPS OUR RESPONSE CAN COME THERE !!!