PRICES REGISTRATION IS LIMITED Pre-registration wil be mandatory in order to guarantee the access to milongas.In our Tango al Sur we want you dance all the time, trying to get parity leaders / followers, so if you come alone just sign up as soon as possible.Do not worry ahead of time, check out our refund policy here about registering, here you can check the return policy. PACK 7 MILONGAS 75€ Available from 15/04/24 to 15/06/24 INCRIPTION PACK 7 MILONGAS 85€ Available from 16/06/24 to 31/08/24 (Subject to availability) INCRIPTION ONLY MILONGAS Matine: 10€Afternoon: 15€Friday evening: 20€Saturday evening: 25€ Available from 1/09/24 ato 10/09/24 (Subject to availability) INCRIPTION