PROGRAM FRIDAY20/09/24 17:00-20:00 WELLCOME MILONGATDJ’s Yuri Gaucho 23:00-3:00 MILONGATDJ’s Ana Temblador SATURDAY 21/09/24 11:30-14:00 MATINEE MILONGA TDJ’s: Pillina17:00-20:00 MILONGA TDJ’s Carolina Aguilar23:00-4:00 GALA MILONGA TDJ’s Marta Silvestre SUNDAY 22/09/24 11:30-14:00 MATINEE MILONGATDJ’s: Nacho Mora 17:00-20:00 FAREWELL MILONGATDJ’s Ángel Montero LIMITED AFORO-RESERVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE YOUR ENTRY Do not worry ahead of time, check out our refund policy here about registering, here you can check the return policy. REGISTRATION